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  LATIHAN SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS SD KELAS 6 I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!    (Pilihlah jawaban yang benar denga...

Kampung Inggris Kuningan - Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD



I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!

   (Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a, b, c, atau d!)


Text for number 1 to 5


Hello, friends. My name is Chantika. You can call me Chantik. I will tell you something about Mrs. Yuli. She is my favorite English teacher. She has an oval face, pointed nose, white skin, and short hair. All students like her because she is very kind and very beautiful. She teaches English patiently. She also smart and diligent. She is as smart as Mr. Arya, our former English teacher. We are very proud of her. Someday, I want to be an English teacher like her.


1. What is Mrs. Yuli?

    A. She is a headmistress

    B. She is an English teacher

    C. She is my mother

    D. She is a school keeper


2. Does Mrs.Yuli have  pointed nose?

    A. Yes, she is

    B. Yes, she do

    C. Yes, she doesn't

    D. Yes, she does


3. Why do all students like her?

    A. Because she is very kind and very beautiful.

    B. Because she is Chantika's mother

    C. Because she is very angry

    D. Because she has and oval face and white skin


4. Is Mrs. Yuli smarter than Mr. Arya?

    A. No, she isn't

    B. Yes, She is

    C. No, she does

    D. No, she doesn't


5. Who is Mr. Arya?

    A. He is our headmaster

    B. He is our former English teacher

    C. He is our friends

    D. He is our Mathematics teacher


6. We buy some ... in the drugstore.

     A. meat

     B. fruits

     C. vegetables

     D. medicines


7. Rania is lazy, but her brother is ....

    A. diligent

    B. smart

    C. clever

    D. stupid


8. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu is from ...,

     A. Sumatra

     B. West Java

     C. Kalimantan

     D. East Java


9. My mother buys some vegetables in the ....

    A. greengrocer

    B. stationary

    C. drugstore

    D. fruit stall


10. a king lives in the ....

      A. kingdom

      B. school

      C. hospital

      D. market


11. The son of the king is ....

      A. princess

      B. emperor

      C. prince

      D. queen


12. Majapahit was a .... long time ago.

     A. kingdom

     B. district

     C. village

     D. country


13. The legend of Malin Kundang is from ...

      A. Jakarta

      B. West Java

      C. Sumatra

      D. Kalimantan

14. Today is Monday. We wear .... to school.

      A. uniform

      B. gown

      C. pajamas

      D. short


15. A : What is ... name?

      B : My name is Dania.

      A. his

      B. your

      C. their

      D. her

Jawaban :

1. B                11. C            
2. D                12. A            
3. A                13. C            
4. B                14. A            
5. B                15. B            
6. D               
7. A                
8. B                
9. A                
10. A 

Yuhuuuuuuuu, apakah kamu berhasil menjawab semua soal di atas? Kalau iya, selamat!. Kalau belum jangan berkecil hati. Masih banyak kesempatan untuk kamu belajar dan berkembang. Semangaaaat !

Kamu juga bisa lho menunjang kemampuan bahasa Inggrismu di OC. Dengan guru yang profesional, metode Kampung Inggris dan belajar interaktif menjadikanmu semakin terampil berbahasa Inggris. Yuk, jadi mahir berbahasa Inggris bersama OC!

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